Welcome to Pick-A-DAW! A website that helps you finally answer that burning question: Which digital audio workstation (affectionately known as a DAW) do I need to win my first Grammy? Or maybe you want to record your band, or edit your podcast, or just make some chill beats you can study to. Well, those are all options, and there’s a DAW for every purpose and person. Once I get my head out of my ass this site will have content. Until then, just enjoy this post.

Who’s Behind This?

Just some nerd named Scott.


I saw people asking the same question over and over again on various forums and wanted to build something to answer that question for them. I didn’t like the responses AI was giving me, so I tasked a regular human (myself) with collecting as much info as I could and regurgitating it all back in an easy-to-use webpage. I also love home recording and have been dropping shit tracks for over twenty years. But really, I dunno man, why does anybody do anything?

Are any of these links…affiliate links?

Hell yeah they are! But not all of them. It’s a mixture. The goal of the site is to point you to the right music software to meet your needs, not the most expensive one. Not everybody needs a perpetual ProTools Ultimate license. Some people only need Ableton Live or Reaper right now, and they may never need anything else. In the end, it’s about meeting your current musical goals. If I can make some pennies helping you along the way, then we both win. Otherwise, only you win, which is cool too.